Tag Archives: testimonies


Good Evening ladies and gentlemen,

Hope you’re well and have had a great day at work, ministry, home, school? It is well! I started thinking of what to write for this post about a month ago and things have since progressed and by God’s Grace, I have two testimonies to include in this post. You may remember me writing about Rev Funke Adejumo’s sermon about excelling as a mother; this was directed towards parents in general.

My 12 year old nephew lives with my parents in Lagos! They currently take care of him and have done so for the past eight years! So, I decided to share the message with my mother and I also put the things she mentioned in practice. My nephew and I are very close and he speaks to me about very personal things and so I am in a good position to implement these things.

1- The first thing we did was to be positive and always encouraging! His report came back in July and he got 2As, a few Cs, Ps and Fs! We were quite disappointed but I told my mother that we should thank God for those 2As and praise the kid for even attaining that.

2- To however prevent him for becoming lazy and comfortable! I kept on congratulating him on the 2As but I always said “I am so happy and proud that you got these 2As but I’m shocked you didn’t get all As because you are so smart and you are the smartest boy in your class. I’m sure you will get all As next time”. I always reaffirmed the fact that he was the best, the smartest and the head and then I would say, don’t you know and he would say “yes I know i am”

Proverbs 23:7- For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he

By getting him to repeat and believe this, he is in turn becoming that smart person. By saying those positive words constantly, we are transforming his mind and speaking prophetically. Amen.

3- I noticed that he had received a Blackberry phone as his 12th birthday present and so I asked how many contacts he had and he showed me and to my amazement, there were about 70 of them. I had to go through them to ensure they were friends, only to discover he had added a series of people he didn’t know from broadcasts. At this time, the Cynthia Osokogu murder story was everywhere and I actually spoke to him about it and educated him about the dangers of social networks, blackberry messenger and interacting with strangers. He then understood what I meant and on his own, he deleted every single person he didn’t know.

4- I knew I had to speak to him about sex because if you don’t speak to them about it, believe me the TV will teach them! Think about when you were twelve and all that you knew! I asked him what he knew and he pretty much knew everything. I explained to him that as he gets older, there may be pressure to get into relationships and have sex but he is a child of the most High God and we should not conform to the standards of the world but he should rather save himself for marriage! We spoke about the sanctity of marriage and he even had the understanding that he wanted a Christian wife with high morals and standards and so I said if he expected that from his wife, he should do the same! I explained that sometimes he may feel a certain way to which he responded “Yes from my hormones”. I told him it was normal and came with puberty but he needed to ask the Holy Spirit to come and take control. Amen.

5- I had to speak to him about the value of women and how to treat them! I explained that when he was old enough to enter into a relationship, he had to pray to God about it first and go ahead only after confirmation from God! As a child, he has witnessed his own mother and several aunties being subjected to so much pain from bad relationships and he did agree that he would never want to put any woman through such pain. I explained that under no circumstance should he put hands on a woman or verbally insult her, neither should he attempt any sexual relations until they were married! I explained the value of women and their role as help meets.

6- I asked him about his strengths ad weaknesses and advised him on how to deal with the so-called weaknesses! I explained that he could be great at every and anything! Regarding his strengths, I banked on them and continually encouraged him! He’s good at maths, he said he would like to become an investment banker! I told him he would be one! He’s quite a tall lad standing at about 5″10 at only 12 years old and so he took an interest in basketball and so we decided that it was imperative for him to spend time playing basketball and so my sister’s fiancé, took him to a basketball court to train and we’re told he was really good. We’ve decided that he will spend his summers at basketball training from now; as long as that is still his passion. His talent and drive needs to be nurtured and harnessed!

7- In the past, he’s had several behavioural issues and used to be really “bad” in school but we tried never to focus on that. Even when he did misbehave, we never called him names! Instead when he was naughty, we would say “But you are such a good, mature child of God, why would you act like that?”. We focused on positively encouraging him and never using bad words on him; because children will remember the words and start to act accordingly.

8- Lastly, I spoke to him about the importance of a relationship with Christ and constant prayer! I encouraged him to indulge in morning devotionals daily, read his Bible, praise and worship and to always seek God! During the time we were together, we prayed together. I encouraged him to pray and I also prayed for him and prophesied greatness into his life! Even after returning to England, I called him on the phone, always praying for him and declaring he was a child of God who would serve God all his life, I declared he would be a well known NBA Player and investment banker! I never once insulted him even in his “naughty” moments but always sowed prayers into his life.

God answered

To the glory of God, mother called me last week to inform me that our darling smart boy had achieved SEVEN distinctions in his results, seven credits, one pass and no fails! Wow! This was a vast improvement; even the teachers were shocked! It was all to the glory of God and guess what? Poor nephew was stricken with chicken pox and was admitted into hospital and missed many days of school and continuous assessments. Supposing he hadn’t missed these, what would he have scored then? For many years, nephew got low grades, last in class and then became an average student, we tried every approach but couldn’t get him to improve! We bribed him with phones, laptops but no change but to the glory of God, after using Biblical principles and the advice by Rev Funke Adejumo, he is now an outstanding student and I know I will be back to testify about his next set of results because the good work that God has started in Him, He will surely see through to its completion in Jesus’ Name! Amen!


I would like to share the testimony of my first cousin! My cousin had her first child twenty years ago; it was a lovely beautiful girl but a second child was not forth coming at all! It just didn’t happen and we all got used to her being the only child and assumed she couldn’t have another! Well, God is an awesome God because after ten years my cousin found out she was pregnant and she had a beautiful baby boy who is nine years old today but the Lord didn’t stop there, two and a half years later, she had another boy who is 6 today! The two boys are extremely cute together and are the best of friends! But you know God is so marvellous, she had another baby in 2009; a cute princess who is 3years old and in August this year, she was blessed with another Princess! Now, my cousin and her husband are the proud parents of FIVE healthy, amazing and beautiful children (20, 9, 6, 3, 2months old)! Their first daughter is currently at Uni studying Computer Science while their four other kids are really giving them an event filled life! I am so happy for them and grateful to God for His mercies! Only God can open a door others think is closed; He is the one who opens a womb others have deemed shut!

May the Lord open every closed door in your life today and may He spring forth into action in every area of your life that has been deemed a failure! It is well with you and all that concerns you in Jesus’ Name! Amen! To watch the sermon by Rev Funke Adejumo (Excelling as a mother, April 22 2012)- www.lifestream.tv/daystar

Every parent should watch it, every aunty, uncle, cousin, teacher, youth worker! In fact I believe every single person should watch it because we shall all be parents one day and we need to start practising these principles on our nephews, nieces, neighbours and so on.

You can read the summary I wrote here- www.princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/07/21/excelling-as-a-parent

God bless you all


Filed under Communing with Christ, Marriage/Courtship, Parenting, Prayer, Testimonies

We need to hear from the married couples


There has been a recent influx of news and tragic stories of traumatic marriages to men of abuse and serial infidelity. These stories have spread very wide and fast and though they are a true and current picture of the state of many marriages, I ask you all to please be aware that; those are not examples of what a good marriage should be and that was Never God’s vision or idea of marriage. Be aware that these things do happen but also be sure and believe that happy, healthy and lasting marriages do exist and not all mean are the same; they don’t all cheat or beat their wives.

This is a call for every happily married couple in the house to send us your story; we would love you to tell us how you have made it this far. We would especially love to hear from the men who have been married for years and never cheated or beaten their wives. We would love to hear from you and share your story with the readers, so they can be encouraged and aware that not all men are the same and they can indeed marry a great and Godly man. Please be very honest and sincere about everything: we understand that life and of course marriage has its challenges and temptations but tell us how you have lived through the challenges and stayed faithful! We would love to hear your testimony. You don’t need to send in your name or anything about your identity. Please just post a comment or send me an email on princessofzion@rocketmail.com



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Testimony time!! She got a job after three years of waiting

Praise the Lord! Praise the living God! Somebody join me to exalt His holy Name! Please, can somebody shout a loud hallelujah wherever you are!! This God we serve is second to none! This is why we call Him the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords! You are our Father, brother, friend, husband, master yet you are our defender, provider, refuge, strength, deliverer, healer and comforter! Lord if I start to call You by name, I will never stop because You are the Alpha and you are the Omega! You are the lily of the valley, the rose of sharon, the son of David, sun of righteousness! You are the lion, yet you are the lamb! You are the lion of the tribe of Judah! Thank You Father for Your mercies! Lord we bless you, we praise you and we exalt you above every other name! Thank You Jehovah!

Exactly, a month ago today, this blog started and every day since then, I’ve thanked the Lord for the blog! I thank Him for the grace, strength, for His favour and mercies; for the readers! I was already celebrating one month on the web, thanking God for His never ending grace when I received a marvellous testimony I must share with you all. I hope it will bless someone and encourage you to place your trust in the great provider!

Her Prayer Request

Submitted on 2012/07/26 at 9:55 PM

I agree with all the prayers that came before mine,may the Lord be God in our lives.Matthew 18:19.
Hey my name is Maureen I ask that you all please join me in prayer,i have been looking for work for a long time and i found a good one,now im waiting for their phone call this week.Pray that they call me back in jesus name Amen.
-The Lord have been preparing for me for the past 3 years now since he first gave me a vision about my spouse.Everyone who showed up till now i didnt like them and knew they were not the one for me..Well right now i know it is time,i am ready and i can tell the Lord is about to make a big change in my life.Please help me pray for God to make a way where there is no way and lead my partner to me before this year ends.I want to meet him in person in order for us to start getting to know eachother so by early 2013 we will know eachother well enough and have Gods approval to get married and start the beautiful life and family together he showed me.
-Please pray for my brother victors healing,physically emotionally spiritually and financially
Thank God and everyone else in advance…i will come back to testify…this time we will all see the things we have been praying for in Jesus name Amen

Her Testimony

Submitted on 2012/08/02 at 7:22 PM

Praise Praise Parise the living Jesus….!!!Princess of zion i told you i will be back to testify and here i am..I got the call i have been waiting for.I will be starting work on monday.I still cant believe it,i told you i could tell God was going to do new things in my life and this is just the begining.The Lord is wonderful,i waited for Him 3 years and he has NOT disappointed me and NEVER will.Thank you Jesus.Nomatter how bad things may get,just trust God and He will show up at the right time.He did for me and He will surely do for everyone else believing and waiting on Him IJN amen.The Lord is moving in my brothers life too,its amazing.
I will come back again to give my engagement testimony soon i know it.I love you Jesus.God bless you all and thank you for your prayers princess of zion.The Lord that answereth by fire is our God.Always faithful.May He continue to Bless you and your family.
God Bless….Maureen

Let’s bless the Lord for this wonderful testimony and let’s join hands and pray for Maureen; that as she has testified, the Lord will surely make her testimony permanent! Even in this new job, she will be the head and not the tail! Her testimonies shall not end there but the Lord will take her from Grace to more Grace and from strength to strength! Wherever her name is called, it shall be immediately followed by applaud and praise! God will give her a platform to witness for Him and she will be a Kingdom financier! Pray for her that as she has trusted God, before the year ends she will be sharing the testimony of her engagement; no ordinary engagement but to a true man of God; one who will love, cherish and care for her deeply! Amen. Please, let’s not forget her brother in our prayers; may the Lord quicken his steps and bring total healing and restoration to him physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially and in every possible area of his life! I decree goodness and mercies upon their whole family!

To all the readers still believing in God for something, read the post “More than a Golf Club”! God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever ask for or imagine! God is God and He is good! May the Lord surprise you this season and give you a new song to sing! For all those waiting on the Lord for a new job, promotion or business enlargement, please tap into Maureen’s testimony! Praise the Lord for the good work He has done in her life and ask Him to show you the same favour and mercy. Please congratulate Maureen, send her your love, prayers and best wishes here- http://www.princessofzion.wordpress.com/testimonies

I will leave you with one word:

Mark 10:34- Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.

God shows no favouritism. What He did for Maureen, He can surely do for you. After all, even unbelievers have jobs; how much more you His child? God bless you all.



Filed under Agreement prayers, Prayer, Testimonies

Testimony time..She got a job

Dear all,

Oh I am so overjoyed today! Let’s thank the Lord and praise Him for His goodness! Everyday I thank Him for this blog, for His messages and for the readers! You are all blessed in Jesus Name. Yesterday, I received a prayer request from a lady, today I responded to her and shortly after she sent us her testimony! Oh, let’s thank God for His goodness and mercies! Let’s prophecy into her life that the good work the Lord has started in her, He will faithfully see it through to its completion. Amen! I am so happy for her!

Her request

Submitted on 2012/07/25 at 5:29 PM

My name is Marguerite.
I want you to pray for me as i am very depressed now.
I am still looking for the internship that is mandatory to graduate from my master degree.
Also pray for me and all others single people around the world, that are still waiting on God for a spouse.
I just discovered you blog,and i must say that it helped me a lot.
May God continue to bless you.

Her testimony

Submitted on 2012/07/26 at 11:10 AM | In reply to princessofzion.

PrincessofZion and everybody praise the LORD for me.
Just after reading yoyr anwser today,i received a call….so now i have an internship, with a renowed company (you asked if i was in the uk,im in france)…thank you for the prayer….in the meantime i thank God for people like you who take their time to pray and minister…may the Father increase your Faith,may He steady your steps, may He be with you and your family always. You nigerian says “Oshe”, where am from ( gabon) we say Abora…thank you Father…and i decree that i will come back here to share my testimony on marriage in Jesus Name. Amen

Oh where are all those looking for jobs, educational breakthroughs and so on? Thank the Lord for Marguerite’s testimony! Pray for her and ask Lord that as He has done for her, He will surely do for you. Father, I thank You for such a faithful daughter as Marguerite! For the faith she applied when praying to You and for that You have answered. Lord we thank You for this great testimony and even for that which You are yet to do. Lord I prophecy that even her martial break through is here! I also take this opportunity to prophecy into the lives of all those seeking jobs and breakthroughs, Lord do for them what nobody else can do! For all those suffering from depression, Father wipe their tears away and surprise them! Put a new song in their mouth! Thank You Father for in Jesus’ Name we have prayed!! Thank You Lord.

Read her request and testimony here-  www.princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/lets-do-the-prayer-chain-testimonies-are-coming-amen

The Lord is ever faithful!


Filed under Testimonies

Lo and behold…2000 views barely 50 hours later

Hello Everyone,

This blog officially started on Monday the 2nd of July 2012! On the first day, the blog received 159 views and I thought that was amazing, the views however kept decreasing day by day. I got hung up but I said to God, “the views don’t matter if people aren’t getting touched. So, Lord please just touch one person a day, and let one person find you everyday”. The views started increasing again, I decided to post the link on other blogs and websites and kept praying. 12 days later, we reached 255 views!! I was amazed and we reached a total of just over 1000 views that day! It was so humbling and I just had to testify! I posted it and people congratulated me on reaching 1000 views in 12days. But you see, this God is such a great God, when you testify, He outdoes Himself and dwarfs the first testimony!

As I write this, day 14 is ending! Yes, it’s already been two weeks since the blog started! And today, we got 479 views and the total views till date have reached 1921. Yess!! By the time I post this, it will be Tuesday the 17th of July 2012, Day 15 and we’ve now reached over 2000 views. Yes, in three days, the blog got another 1000 views. It’s so amazing that I was testifying about what He did in 12 days, He then did it again but this time in 3days!! One quarter the time! Isn’t He great? He’s so awesome! I know bigger things are yet to come!!

Lord I’m so grateful for the vision you gave me and the faith and grace you gave me to go ahead and start this even when I didn’t think it was ideal! Thank you for the readers, the commenters and those who have shared the blog with others! I appreciate them all, bless them and perfect all that concerns them! Thank you for the messages you give me, I pray they will never stop touching lives and Your perfect will shall be done! Let people receive their salvation, healing and breakthroughs from You! Father, take all the Glory!! Let testimonies abound, Lord! Let Your Name be glorified! Give me the finishing anointing; never to stop, give up or relent! Lord, You know what you want this to become, let it come to pass Lord! Let this blog one day turn into a fully functional ministry that will impact millions of lives. AMEN. Thank You father.

Thank you to all who read, follow, comment and share! God bless and prosper you all. AMEN. Just goes to show what they say about sharing a testimony; it seals your blessing and provokes more. I challenge you to share your testimony with others. That thing you thought was too small or you’ve been too embarrassed to share, why not tell us today and watch God do even more?- http://www.princessofzion.wordpress.com/testimonies


Filed under Testimonies

The Prayer Chain

Please send in your requests and we will agree with you. AMEN.


Filed under Agreement prayers, Prayer, Serving God, Testimonies, Using your gifts

Matthew 18:19…If two or more on earth agree

Good Afternoon guys, I have big news for you all! And this is going to set some people free! AMEN!
In the past few months, I’ve been so involved in studying marriage, as I believe my calling is in marriage ministry! Though I am young, I am very positive and I have started preparing myself towards it. I have read so many books; I tell you and listen to over 20hrs worth of sermons and still pressing on.

I read about “spiritual warfare” and will briefly summarise what it is about.
Spiritual warfare is not what we think i.e. fighting with demons. Spiritual warfare actually takes place in our mind

1- All you need is to change your mentality and you WILL become qualified for a miracle. AMEN!!! If you change the way you think, you will get what you want, not an ordinary blessing but one from above. AMEN.

2- An insurance sales person had been working for over a year, calling prospective clients and none bought from him. He didn’t make a single sale in over a year. He came across a multi millionaire, so he asked him for contacts. The millionaire gave him 6 contacts, the insurance man was now excited and sure that they would buy the insurance from him since they were contacts of the rich man. He was able to speak to five on the phone, all of which invited him for an appointment and bought the insurance policies. Overjoyed, he went back to the millionaire to ask for more contacts, the millionaire handed him the general telephone directory. The exact same one the insurance man had been using. He was shocked. All the while, he hadn’t sold anything because he believed total strangers couldn’t buy from him, but he sold those 5 because he believed that if a millionaire referenced them they must buy. His mentality changed, and he believed he would succeed. And because whatever a man believes happens to him, he acceded in selling the policies.

What do you believe? Do you believe you can have your heart desires? What do you think will happen seven days from now? Do you think you can have your heart desires within seven days? Beloved, it is in your hands. In life, you get what you believe. No matter how hard a person prays, he can only get what he believes.

Mark 11:24- Whatever you ask for in prayer, if you believe that you would receive it, you would have it. That is the condition that Jesus gave us. Matthew 17:20. Nothing shall be impossible for those that believe.

The way to work on your belief is to RENEW your mind!! Even Romans 12:2, says that transformation will take place in your life when your mind is renewed. Once it is renewed, you would believe and subsequently receive your heart desires.

The power to succeed and fail is in you. You choose what to do. You have the right to decide how and when you want to have your miracle. I challenge you to choose when you want your miracle, I don’t know exactly what you want but one thing I am sure of is if you want it NOW, God can do it now. The power is in you.

The devil has NO power over us. What he uses are tricks, for e.g. THE TRICK OF SPIRIT HUSBAND! Beloved, I tell you there is NOTHING like spirit husband. It is NOWHERE in the Bible. The devil is the one that brought such thoughts into our minds. So, when you believe you have a spirit husband, you then believe that because of him you cant get married, can’t have kids, can’t succeed, that is the only reason it works. There is no such thing, but because you believe, that is why you suffer. Have you not noticed that some of your friends also have sexual dreams but get married with ease and all is well with them? It is because they don’t believe in spirit husband. So, it can NOT hurt then. Please, my people, there is NOTHING like spirit husband or wife or children. The Bible doesn’t mention it. There are THREE sources of dreams- God, devil and you. God can only send you dreams in accordance with His word, so any scary or evil dream is not from Him. All good dreams are from Him, so you better claim them, meditate on them, believe they will happen and they will. Secondly, when you think about something near bedtime, you most likely dream of it, whether good or evil. Lastly, the devil can send dreams to us, BUT these dreams can NEVER harm us. Say AMEN!!! Because he has no power over us. The only time they can harm us is when we believe the dreams and start praying against them. If you have a bad dream, when you wake up, just say- Thank you God for waking me up, I acknowledge that you send only good dreams, therefore the bad dreams I had last night, were of the devil but I choose not to believe them. Only what You say can come to pass in my life, therefore, I believe those dreams will NEVER happen in my life, help me Lord to forget the dream. Amen. (To make it more powerful, when I have bad dreams, I believe the opposite will take place in my life. So, that’s what I focus on) Since I started this new practise, my bad dreams have severely reduced. I was shocked!! Because, once the devil knows that you now know the truth, he doesn’t waste time dealing with you, he will rather move on to another person.. Sometimes, he may try to shake your faith but stand your ground. THEY CAN NEVER TAKE PLACE IN YOUR LIFE, RATHER THE OPPOSITE WILL TAKE PLACE. AMEN!!

As for sexual dreams, they can be because of what you watched or from the devil. Just ignore them, you have no spirit spouse. You can just say, thank you Lord for waking me up, I am keeping my body pure whilst single but thank you for the gift of sex, which I will enjoy whilst married to my Godly, spouse. So, say it and believe it. For instance, instead of believing you have a spirit spouse, believe that this is a sign of your fast approaching wedding and you shall soon be having sex with your husband or wife.

Even if someone dies in your dream, it is NOT true. Say Lord, thank you for awakening me, the person that died in my dream, signified the death of their flesh, death of poverty, sickness and now they are healed, now they will live long. AMEN

These prayers are optional. You don’t need to. You can just forget about the dream and move on! Whatever works best for you.

Please also be aware that once you give your life to Christ, every single curse, covenant or generational curse does not exist. It can not affect you!! You are now par of the family of Abraham so you have no choice but to partake in GENERATIONAL BLESSINGS!! 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-16..Christ and belial can not co exist in you, nor light with darkness. If you are for God, then nothing else can control your life. AMEN

Finally, I normally receive a word from Elohim’s basket once a month. Yesterday’s word was Matthew 18:19- Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven. AMEN
Normally, I know what the word is referring to, yesterday I didn’t. Until, later on when on this page,http://www.prayersfire.com/?p=2686&cpage=2#comment-16132
Angeline from Zimbabwe sent her comment, which said brothers and sisters lets unite in prayer, when two or more are gathered. Then, it dawned on me, God wants to set some people free and give us our miracle. Let’s use this platform in accordance with His word.

Now, I employ you to take part. We are going to create a prayer chain. Please, this is not a joke. Miracles and testimonies will abound from here. How can two people on the same website comments get the same word. Things are about to happen, wedding proposals are coming, engagement rings, pregnancies, job offers, job promotions, someone is being healed, someone has been kept captive by their dreams, this new knowledge will release you, someone is going from a nobody to a somebody, from a zero to a hero, from academic failure to distinction. Oh, let your mind fathom it.


Please oblique and in your personal prayer time, whenever you are praying for your request, you must include the people before you. Please write their names down. I will also log on at least every two days, just to state a prayer of agreement with everyone, so I will be praying. Please, also write back as you receive your testimonies. Some people are going to receive testimonies in the next 7days. AMEN!! Let’s endeavour to take this prayer chain seriously whilst using the tools I taught you. Also remember, please forgive everyone who has hurt you, if not your prayers may be hindered!! Not because that person is an Angel but for your own good, forgive them, release them. And don’t fight with anyone.
God bless you all. Can’t wait for your testimonies. AMEN

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Filed under Agreement prayers, Prayer, Serving God, Testimonies, Using your gifts