What is my gift? The conflict between personal and corporate vision?

This is going to be very short and sweet. 

An elder in Church blessed me with a great book about the Father’s gifts, once I finish reading that, I will be posting some more updates for you. However, today I want to briefly touch on certain things. 

Does everyone have a gift, you may ask? 

Yes you do! 1 Corinthians 7:7  says that each man has his own gift from God. One has this, another has that. There is no shortage. Forget what they may have told you when you were young or what they are saying now. You have a gift! It is not even a prayer point; it is a statement of fact! 

Must my gift be used in the Kingdom?

I would say some should be used in the Kingdom. For example, the gift of singing. Why not sing Godly music and not worldly music? Glorify the one who gave you the voice and bring honour to His name and Kingdom. You may not do it in the Church but you could do it out in the world; all the same…glorify Him.

However, some people have gifts such as organisation, your’s specifically may be events. You may decide to work as the events officer of your Church full time or volunteer at a few events. Another person may start up their own business and make a tonne of money and donate the proceeds to Church. They are all great examples of giving to the Kingdom by using your God given gift. One does this by working in the Church, one works in the world and gathers large sums, and makes his business a financial pillar in the Lord’s house. 

A great example is John Grisham; a New York Times bestselling author many times over. He is also an attorney. He is best known for his popular legal thrillers such as “A Time to Kill”. He began writing in 1984, and had his first novel “A Time To Kill” published in June 1989. As of 2008, his books have sold over 250 million copies worldwide, and he is one of only three authors to sell two million copies on a first printing. 

ImageDid you know John Grisham is a Christian? As rich and accomplished as he is, he and his wife together teach Sunday School every Sunday. He is a prolific writer and an intelligent man, very gifted! But he didn’t limit his talent to Church, he didn’t just stay in Church but he went out into the world and wrote a series of creative novels and today he is one of the richest men in the world. However, a huge portion of his income is donated to the Church and to missionary trips and he still uses his gift by teaching young children and imparting the knowledge he has on missionary trips. That is a great example of someone who maximised his gift by going out into the world, though he didn’t neglect his faith. 

ImageMany times, God doesn’t want us to keep our gifts within the four corners of our Church; talk less of your home. He wants you to go out and use it, make a career and business out of it. Your gift is the very thing that could lead to your breakthrough and make you a renown person and enable you to use your status to lead people to Christ. Many people still believe they must limit it to their Church. Let’s take a leaf out of John Grisham’s book and be determined to discover your gift, use it in the Kingdom, develop it, practise and perfect it and take it out to the world. And as a result, you could make a huge success out of it and have a huge platform to witness for Christ and lead thousands and millions to him. 

Enlargen your mind! We are not bound by our homes, streets or towns. The world is your oyster. Make good use of your gift! I challenge you to take a huge leap of faith and share your gift with the world. You could start with family then friends, then Church, then your community, city, country and then the world. 

A wise man once said….”Go to the grave with not one bit of talent left in you. Use all of your gifts and talents to their maximum whilst alive. I pray this blesses and inspires someone to use and share their gift. AMEN. God bless you. 



Filed under Communing with Christ, Prayer, Serving God, Using your gifts

4 responses to “What is my gift? The conflict between personal and corporate vision?

  1. Grace

    Please pray with me for my husband to returnto back to us. One year is too long to be away from his family. He got transferred but as soon as this was done, he started coming up wit many accusation, framed up stories that people are telling him. He does not support us at all and we are just empty and worried most times. Am trying to make end meets but its stiil disfficult. I love him and we all miss him.

    • Dear Grace,

      You are truly welcome in Jesus Name. Amen! God bless you sister! Please, we need to be steadfast in our prayers. I don’t know if you read my own personal story and struggles but when I prayed, nothing seemed to change but something just urged me to carry on and to the glory of the Almighty, things have changed!
      Please read it here- https://princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/07/13/my-testimonies-waiting-on-god-she-found-her-husband/

      I hope it will encourage you.

      Now, let’s pray and agree together!

      Father, you said that it is not good for man to be alone; you said that two are better than one for they have a good reward for their labour! Lord, you know the plans you have for marriage, good, joyous plans where a man and woman should become one, love and support each other in reaching their destiny! Oh Lord, You even declared in Mark 10:9 that what You have joined together, let no man put asunder! Father, i declare total restoration over Grace’s marriage! Amen! Every spirit of confusion, distraction, unhappiness, separation and infidelity is broken by the power of the Holy Ghost! Father, divinely disrupt every operation of delilahs and jezebels from her home! Every bad influence or relationship is cut off now! Lord, let her husband find you and rekindle their love, let him begin to focus on his wife and their marriage! Oh, Lord let her sing a new song!! In Jesus Name. AMEN. Wherever he is, whatever is holding him up, Lord if it is not your will, remove it! Let every red sea between their relationship be parted! Father take control!

      Grace, go to your God on your knees and thank Him for your salvation, thank Him for your life, thank Him for your spouse and your home! Do not be worried, do not be depressed! Tell God what you need! You need His convincing, converting and convicting spirit to change your spouse! Whatever you do, keep serving God! Never miss Sunday or midweek service, serve in Church! Give God your all! Don’t stop loving your spouse; submit to him. Show him the love of Christ, speak over his life! Even wherever he is, pray over him, anoint him, pray over his pictures. Walk around your house anointing the whole house and praying for him. Pray fervent and consistent prayers! Speak about God! No matter how reckless he may be, keep loving and forgiving! He will wonder why and how you became so compassionate! If you practise your Christianity faithfully, it becomes contagious! Believe me! The same God that saved you will also save him. AMEN!!

      I pray that regarding your financial difficulties, the Lord will manifest His grace and power! He will prove Himself to be the Jehovah Jireh (Great Provider).
      Praying for your home, praying that God will surprise you and you will testify in Jesus Name. AMEN.

  2. [Great|Awesome|Good|Fantastic|Excellent] post. Thanks!

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