Tag Archives: consistency

My testimonies…..Waiting on God…She found her husband

Good Morning all,

I must apologise for not posting yesterday, I was ill for most of the day. But I’m so much better now! We thank God for healing. When God does great things in your life, I urge you to testify. It is definitely a principle I practise. Today, I decided to send my recent testimonies to my Church and after writing them, I realised an important lesson, which I thought I had to share here. These are my personal testimonies; I hope you can learn from them. AMEN.

My testimony

Firstly, I want to thank God for Him! His role in my life and my salvation. I have grown so much spiritually, I never knew I could get to where I am. I am a daily Bible reader, I read three devotionals and apply them to my life, I pray fervently and I spend time praising Him and praying in the Spirit. I had always wanted to start a Christian blog and I finally did it. I was always aware that I needed to do more for the Kingdom, witness for Christ and teach people about his goodness and what they can do to serve Him and I finally have been able to do that. It’s an honour to be used by God.

Secondly, my father was diagnosed with parkinson’s last year, it was a huge downer for the family but I thank God I even have a dad and a family to pray with. A few months ago, his leg was struck with pain, it kept him from walking and doing a lot, it lasted about four months. I was so depressed but the Lord has healed him. My father says the leg is all good now and he’s no more in pain. Thank You Jesus; our healer! The greatest physician! I am believing that God will heal him completely, NO MORE parkinson’s. AMEN.

Last week at work, I felt very used and taken advantage of and as such, I was slightly moody and unhappy! I was working overtime while I have family commitments and much more. My boss, this week said he needed to have a chat with me. I thought I was going to be fired or given disciplinary action but I told God I was sorry and so treasured my job and didn’t want to lose it. I was genuinely sorry. When I went in, my boss did mention my behaviour last week, but in more of a concerning manner and we were able to hatch out everything. I still have my job and I’m much more happier in it. Praise the Lord!!!

Lastly, a few months ago, I decided to take of leap of faith to start my own business. I looked all around for samples of what I wanted and finally found them in India, contacted the company and the minimum order was huge but after speaking with them, the Lord caused them to favour me and they gave me the small amount I required. The Lord also caused me to have the finances to get the samples. Thank God. A month later, I received a customs letter from DHL, asking me to pay them for the duty charge. I had no idea; I had already forked out a load on the goods and shipping. This was too much! However, after reading the guidelines, I realised I was exempt from this. Since it was a sample. The battle however did not end there, after several calls, letters, emails, files, pictures and four months, they finally cleared the account yesterday and I didn’t need to pay. It was all God!! It was all God!! AMEN!!


The lesson

What I have learned from this is, no matter what it is you are praying for, if you have faith and pray effectual fervent prayers, God will do it! God can do everything! But we need to apply faith and consistency! My testimonies took time, while some prayers are answered overnight! Some take time, to test our faith. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING (1 Thessalonians 5:17)!! The Lord will surely answer. I prayed for my dad for months, before his healing came. Bear in mind that God is not limited by time, if He wants to heal you right now, he can do it in a split second. But sometimes, He takes His time to help us build our character, patience and faith. There are many things I prayed for and God did in a second but others took months and I am so glad that I never stopped praying or believing. Imagine, if I decided to pray for just 3 months and stopped? What would have happened? I don’t know what you’re believing in Him for. Is it your healing? A job? A house? Change of career, business breakthrough, the deeds to a store, a spouse, the fruit of the womb, a promotion, salary increase, car? Whatever it is, the God I serve is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all, you could ever ask for or imagine (Ephesians 3:20), it is not a prayer point; it is a statement of FACT! I will conclude with one last testimony.

ImageShe found her husband

Last year, my sister was single, she was a Christian but not very involved with the Word. I always prayed for her, that God would make her closer to Him, she would embrace him and would find a Godly spouse. My mum and I would hold agreement prayers on her “issue”. In December 2011, she met a great guy who was Godly, had a great job, lovely house, he was every woman’s “dream”. She was happy! My mum and I were praying for them, but in February, my sister revealed that he was not interested in marriage. We were down in the dumps, my mum was sort of like “no need to pray again then”. Everyone was dejected. However, at the beginning of the year, I made a declaration to my sister; that THIS IS HER YEAR! I told her she would get engaged and married this year! So, after that happened, I was totally dejected. I looked at myself and said- Oh ye of little faith (Matthew 8:26). It was only February, we still had 10 months to go and the God we serve is UNLIMITED! AMEN! I told my mum that my sister was still getting married this year! To who? I didn’t know but God said none shall lack a mate (Isaiah 34:16) and I declared; she will not lack one. AMEN.

To cut a long story short, my sister met a great Godly man that same month…..He took my sister to see his parents last week, they gave their blessing for the marriage…Their dates have been picked; first week in January 2013! Not bad eh? (I was only a week off)! We thank God!


You see, we could have given up in February but we didn’t! Her fiancé is a Godly man, a great person, he has a great job, a great family, everything! They are compatible, he is wise, responsible and a loving person. I couldn’t have imagined someone better for her! It was all God. Thank God we didn’t give up when we did. NEVER give up praying or waiting on God! You can’t out wait Him.

ImageMy prayer for you

I know that many of us are waiting on things. From the prayer requests, I know that you all have something you are waiting on God for! Some of you may receive your miracles instantly, while for some, it could take weeks, months or even years. I just pray that from the moment you make your requests to God, He will give you strength, faith and patience to hold on to His promises! Get a word in the Bible that promises what it is you are waiting for and meditate on it. Just hold on to the promise. I pray for the grace for you, to stay faithful to Him while waiting. Usually, when God makes us wait, He has a bigger plan for you and moulds you into something. AMEN! I pray that His plan and purpose for you will not be defeated, but He will build your character. But at the end of the day, I pray and agree with you that whatever it is you await, God will do for you; according to His will. AMEN. That is my prayer for you! Stay faithful! God bless you all.


Filed under Marriage/Courtship, Prayer, Testimonies, Waiting on my future spouse